Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog #11 Final Draft

Elizabeth Linares
ENGL 101-0768
Dr. Vasileiou
Essay 3

     In a world , as shown in the movie “Minority Report” , where people are punished before they committed any type of felony, things go wrong. But in our world , many different types of crimes are committed daily. In the article , “Free Will and Determinism in the world of Minority Report” , debates the issue of having free will and if determinism is true. If like the movie , we are able to find a way to reduce such crimes without worrying about any type of consequence , it would bring disorganization to the system. Since this would happen, I disagree with using the system if it were true.
     The movie “Minority Report” gives us a introduction of what free will and determinism is. They are 3 psychically gifted humans who can for see the future and can predetermined if a person is going to commit a crime. All situations and events are made by using Determinism because criminals are prosecuted with a perfect system called “PreCrime” there future is already predetermined and they have no choice but to accept their fate. This not so perfect system helps reduce crime rate in the state of Washington D.C and the U.S government is awarded with creating this type of system. But not every system is infallible, John Anderton the main character is the first to realize himself why this system is fallible and that anybody like himself could change there destiny. This movie gives us an understanding on that freedom of will does exist, regardless of if there is determinism or not.
     According to the article “Free will and Determinism in the world of Minority Report” Michael Huemer lists two ways for free will to exist. First he says it's alternative possibilities, and next it's self control. By supporting the alternative possibilities reason people must believe god is all-knowing, “ If god is all-knowing then he must know everything that is going to happen in the future. But if God already know what is going to happen, then it seems that there are no alternative possibilities; events must unfold as God has foreseen them” (104-105). This tells us that if only God is one we're counting
on predicting future events then there are no alternative possibilities. By using “Self-Control” it's defined as someone who in control of of all of it's actions and it's alternative possibilities are up to them to realize. “Many scientists and philosophers have thought that the laws of nature are deterministic, to say these laws are deterministic is to say that, given the state of a physical system at some time, the laws prescribe a unique future evolution”. (105) These type of laws will provide us with a different type of evolution into our lives. Huemer's is arguing against determinism, & how we always have free will & how we should be the one predestined to our fate.
     If a Pre-Crime system as is shown in the movie ever existed in our world I would be against it. I disagree with it because as the director Steven Spielberg of the movie said “I would be against a PreCrime system if it were ever possible, as I believe that if it did exist, those in control of it would undoubtedly abuse its powers”. I agree with him because the government will be the one deciding our fate they would already eye-seen our future and will punish those who haven't committed the crimes they were intended to. It's as they were playing the role of god just to prevent murder. Nobody will have no type of free will because they would be immediately accused and would not be allowed no type of way to defend themselves.
     Security has had to be increased because of recent attacks in our country. During the past few years because of recent terrorists attacks like for example airport security imagine having a system like Pre-Crime in our society today many will agree this system would be an invasion of our freedom and our rights. Since the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks body scanning are used regularly in airports as a method to determine if you're carrying things you're aren’t suppose to carry. While this is a way to improve our security in airports many have argued that these such equipments used can be very risky for our health and may abuse our human rights .
   The the book “Constructing Crime” by Christiana Gregoriou can relate to why I am against it. According to the book “argues that today’s fear is instead a social and cultural construct, central to which is ‘the belief that humanity is confronted by powerful destructive forces that threaten our everyday existence” (20). We are put into a fear into our eyes that anything could happen at any moment in time. If we were ever to find a better way or a technology to help us catch terrorist or any type of criminal who might do anybody harm beforehand It would cause more chaos to our society. A system like that is going to corrupt more and it would fallible.
     While I may disagree with creating a new system that would be used not caring about the ways things will be done, many will agree that this will be a good idea. Many will approve that it's in our best interest for us to have a system that will make our society as far safer as it could possibly be. Regardless of what has to be done, to reduce crime or another type of threats we should have a system not considering the means they would use. One major reason they will have is that even if they will have to punish people that are yet to be convicted of doing any wrong doing, will should just put them away because this way we could prevent any future heartbreaking loss from a family. This would also put fear away from our society because we would be living in a safer environment.
     Furthermore, the Pre-crime system in the movie was proven to be fallible having it's own faults. Technology is improving and we're becoming more advanced in learning new ways to improve ourselves and the environment. There are going to be new ideas in which many people will disagree on. Ideas that are going to be use to improve our crime rate, in which it may be cause more corruption than any good. But we should consider these changes and think about if it's going to show more improvement in our society or more damage.

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